We have been using our beautiful and amazing Chandler and Price Letterpress for over a year now and are committing a no-no in the industry along the way.
We are yet to decide on a name! We fell in love with the craft from the beginning and have been busy creating. As we enter year two we realize we need your help! Our letterpress needs a name and we want to offer a reward for the best name. To help you help us, let us take a moment to describe her. That is your first data point, she is a she.
- is 15oo lbs of solid steel at the core
- was born during the great depression and manufactured in the USA by Chandler and Price
- is chic which by definition means smart and stylish
- is precise as a matter of fact a perfectionist
- is practically silent while at work other than a consistent click when the ink plate rotates and when the counter counts prints
- smells of ink and oil and doesn’t care what anyone thinks
- has a fly wheel that was milled so well to ensure perfection in smooth rotation – simply beautiful
- is vintage and works well modern day desires
- creates awe inspiring products but blushes when people say her work is “stunning” or “one of a kind” or “the most amazing…”
Below are a few images we hope inspire your creativity. Please post your suggestion for a name as a comment here or on our Idea Chic Companies facebook wall. The name we choose can select what they want from any grab bag on our Idea Chic Etsy shop
Thanks and have fun!
Filed under: Idea Chic