The historic Molly Brown House Museum in Denver had a recent makeover. The restoration followed a capital campaign to pay for and find the team of construction and trade businesses in Denver, CO. You can read more about the Restoration in Action.
For a few years Idea Chíc has been making wood veneer postcards for The Molly Brown House Museum Gift Shop. The museum supplies us with photos we can use to print and make a variety of cards. Other postcards include a photo of books in the library and a vintage stove.
After the restoration was complete photographers captured the restored home including the photo we used for the postcard with the The Molly Brown House. With the stock of postcards nearly sold out, the fourth run to restock the museum gift shop has to reflect the new paint. The trim colors and paint are believed to match the original color and design when the Brown family lived here. See the below image and video of the postcards and when in Denver, visit the museum and get your self some of these great wood veneer postcards!