Buying greeting cards online is more of a thing than many thought. The pandemic closing the neighborhood store is part of it, but for many it´s supporting the designer, maker and most important, the locally owned retailer curating cards from the same.
At Idea Chíc we are accustom to shipping even a single card. Sometimes internationally from our little place in Denver, CO. We joke (maybe serious) these people found the best greeting card for their loved one, in the World!
For many, buying a single card needs assistance and we are here to help.
We cater to those mailing meaningful correspondence. For Valentine´s Day that is the family who stamps and mails (or hand-deliver) a Valentine to grandparents, parents, siblings and besties too. For you we offer variety and both options to follow include free shipping in the US.
First, Idea Chíc Stationery Sets where we create a collection of some of the more popular cards. Choose from Valentine´s or Love Notes.
Second, perhaps selecting your own cards and first look access to new cards sounds fun, we recommend our Card Club.
Our Card Club members know that monthly you can select your own four cards including first look at Idea Chíc newest design available to members first. Feedback we receive is fun in planning ahead and having the best card in hand when needed. If this sound like a good option, the Card Club is for you.