I sat down to write an awesome post about a Singing in the Rain wedding photo shoot, but this computer won’t read the pictures on the disk, so that must wait until next week. Lucky for you, I’m not going to send you off to have your weekend excitement without a little inspiration to fuel your creativity and keep you doing what you’re good at — whether it be sewing, carving, singing, writing, or selling.
The American dream was not founded on working for Wal-Mart, it meant starting your own business from the ground up… and with the way things are it’s become all too swallowed up by these watered down, faceless corporations which have no real intrinsic value to the growth of our culture.
The small business adds a rich sentiment of friendly, unique salesmanship that leaves you feeling inspired, or at least somewhat warm inside through style with a real human feel. The real question is, have we lost that desire for our imaginations… or would we trade in for getting toilet paper for 2 cents a roll… I’ll pay more for the former if you ask me. — Mike Felber
It’s important not to dismiss your talents. Even though some people may tell you otherwise, there is a place for creative people in this world and plenty of ways to make money and pay your bills through your artistic abilities. — Emily J. Davis
More and more businesses understand that ethos and are making the adaptations necessary to attract and retain creative class employees—everything from relaxed dress codes, flexible schedules, and new work rules in the office to hiring recruiters who throw Frisbees. Most civic leaders, however, have failed to understand that what is true for corporations is also true for cities and regions: Places that succeed in attracting and retaining creative class people prosper; those that fail don’t. — Richard Florida, The Rise of the Creative Class
Whether it’s a new type of food, a piece of music, or a special tint in the sky, the instinct is always to nudge the person next to you and say, “Check it out!”. Creating things is just a wider reaching nudge. — Pollen Arts
Have a great weekend and Keep on Chooglin!
— Tavie
Filed under: Idea Chic Tagged: buying local, creative class, Creedence Clearwater Revival, denver, DiTerra, handmade, inspration, Keep on Chooglin, local business, PollenArts, quotes, Rise of the Creative Class